
四月 5, 2010 at 6:38 下午Easton

You were definitely closer with your second attempt as you can't load a .NET assembly as if it was a normal C-style DLL. If you're getting "Class not registered" error messages in Delphi it simply means the required registry entries were not available.

To use your C# class as a COM object, the best thing to do is put all your methods in one or more interfaces then make the class implement each of those interfaces.


// IAddInterface.cs
public interface IAddInterface
    int Add(int i1, int i2);
// SimpleDll.cs
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class SimpleDLL : IAddInterface
    public int Add(int i1, int i2)
        return i1+i2;

Compile using:

csc /t:library /out:SimpleDll.dll *.cs

Next, register the assembly as a COM object in the registry using:

regasm SimpleDll.dll /tlb:Add.tlb

(The above command will also generate a type library for use in Delphi.)

Now you can switch over to Delphi, and click Project->Import Type Library (like you did before). Select your .tlb (Add.tlb in this case) and click Create Unit.

In your main unit add "ComObj" and "SimpleDLL_TLB" (or whatever your generated unit is called) to your uses list and write the code to call your .NET methods.


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  intfRef: IAddInterface;
  result: Integer;
  intfRef := CreateComObject(CLASS_SimpleDLL_) as IAddInterface;
  result := intfRef.Add(2, 2);

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